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Economic Geology by Umeshwar Prasad: A Classic Textbook in PDF Format

- Who is Umeshwar Prasad and what are his contributions to the field? - What is the PDF 456 and what does it contain? H2: Economic geology: definition, scope and applications - Definition of economic geology as the study of the origin, distribution and use of mineral resources - Scope of economic geology in terms of different types of mineral deposits, exploration methods and environmental impacts - Applications of economic geology in various industries such as mining, metallurgy, energy, agriculture, construction and medicine H2: Umeshwar Prasad: biography, achievements and publications - Biography of Umeshwar Prasad as a renowned Indian geologist, professor and author - Achievements of Umeshwar Prasad in terms of his research, awards and recognition - Publications of Umeshwar Prasad in terms of his books, papers and reports H2: PDF 456: overview, contents and features - Overview of PDF 456 as a digital version of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology" - Contents of PDF 456 in terms of its chapters, topics and illustrations - Features of PDF 456 in terms of its format, accessibility and quality H2: Conclusion - Summary of the main points of the article - Recommendations for further reading and learning - Closing remarks # Article with HTML formatting Introduction

Economic geology is a branch of geology that deals with the origin, distribution and use of mineral resources. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines geological knowledge with economic principles to understand how natural resources are formed, found and exploited. Economic geology is essential for the development and sustainability of human civilization, as it provides valuable materials for various industries such as mining, metallurgy, energy, agriculture, construction and medicine.

Umeshwar Prasad Economic Geology Pdf 456

One of the prominent figures in the field of economic geology is Umeshwar Prasad, a renowned Indian geologist who has made significant contributions to the study and teaching of mineral deposits. He is the author of several books and papers on economic geology, including his magnum opus "Economic Geology", which is considered as a classic textbook for students and professionals alike. The book covers all aspects of economic geology, from its principles and methods to its applications and examples.

The PDF 456 is a digital version of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology", which was published in 2019 by Scribd. The PDF 456 contains 170 pages of comprehensive and updated information on economic geology, with clear explanations, diagrams and tables. The PDF 456 is a convenient and accessible way to access Umeshwar Prasad's book online, as it can be downloaded, viewed or printed from any device.

In this article, we will explore more about economic geology, Umeshwar Prasad and the PDF 456. We will discuss the definition, scope and applications of economic geology; the biography, achievements and publications of Umeshwar Prasad; and the overview, contents and features of the PDF 456.

Economic geology: definition, scope and applications

Economic geology is defined as the study of the origin, distribution and use of mineral resources. Mineral resources are natural substances that have economic value or potential for human use. They include metals, non-metals, fuels, gemstones, industrial minerals and water. Economic geology aims to understand how these resources are formed by geological processes; how they are distributed in space and time; how they are explored using various techniques; how they are extracted using different methods; how they are processed into useful products; how they are consumed by different sectors; how they affect the environment; and how they are managed for sustainability.

The scope of economic geology is broad and diverse, as it encompasses different types of mineral deposits, exploration methods and environmental impacts. Some of the major types of mineral deposits are magmatic, hydrothermal, sedimentary, metamorphic, placer and residual. Each type has its own characteristics, origin and classification. Some of the common exploration methods are geological mapping, geochemical sampling, geophysical surveying, remote sensing and drilling. Each method has its own advantages, limitations and applications. Some of the main environmental impacts are land degradation, water pollution, air pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change. Each impact has its own causes, consequences and mitigation measures.

The applications of economic geology are numerous and varied, as it provides valuable materials for various industries such as mining, metallurgy, energy, agriculture, construction and medicine. Some of the examples are iron ore for steel production, copper for electrical wiring, coal for power generation, phosphate for fertilizer production, limestone for cement production, gold for jewelry making, diamond for cutting tools, salt for food preservation and fluorite for dental care. Economic geology also contributes to scientific knowledge, technological innovation and social welfare.

Umeshwar Prasad: biography, achievements and publications

Umeshwar Prasad is a renowned Indian geologist who was born in 1939 in Bihar. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in geology from Patna University in 1959 and his M.Sc. degree in geology from Banaras Hindu University in 1961. He then joined the Geological Survey of India (GSI) as a geologist and worked there for 35 years until his retirement in 1996. During his tenure at GSI, he conducted extensive field work and research on various aspects of economic geology, especially on the mineral deposits of India. He also participated in several national and international projects and collaborations.

Umeshwar Prasad has received many awards and recognition for his outstanding contributions to the field of economic geology. He was awarded the National Mineral Award by the Government of India in 1983; the D.N. Wadia Medal by the Indian National Science Academy in 1991; the P.C. Ray Memorial Award by the Indian Science Congress Association in 1994; the Life Time Achievement Award by the Society of Economic Geologists (India) in 2008; and the Honorary Fellowship by the Geological Society of India in 2010. He was also elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy in 1993; a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1994; a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (India) in 1995; and a Fellow of the Geological Society of London in 2000.

Umeshwar Prasad has published several books and papers on economic geology, which are widely cited and appreciated by students and professionals alike. Some of his notable books are "Economic Geology" (1986), "Mineral Resources of India" (1998), "Geology of Bihar" (2001), "Geology of Jharkhand" (2004) and "Geology of Chhattisgarh" (2007). Some of his notable papers are "Geology and genesis of copper deposits at Malanjkhand" (1977), "Geological setting and genesis of gold deposits at Kolar" (1982), "Geological setting and genesis of lead-zinc deposits at Zawar" (1985), "Geological setting and genesis of bauxite deposits in India" (1990) and "Geological setting and genesis of diamond deposits in India" (1995).

PDF 456: overview, contents and features

The PDF 456 is a digital version of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology", which was published in 2019 by Scribd. Scribd is an online platform that allows users to access millions of books, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and documents from various publishers and authors. The PDF 456 is one of the many titles available on Scribd that can be accessed by subscribing to its service or by purchasing it individually.

The contents of the PDF 456 are identical to those of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology", which was first published in 1986 and revised several times thereafter. The book consists of 14 chapters that cover all aspects of economic geology, from its principles and methods to its applications and examples. The chapters are as follows:

  • Introduction

  • Principles of Economic Geology

  • Methods of Exploration

  • Mining Methods

  • Ore Dressing

  • Metallogeny

  • Magmatic Deposits

  • Hydrothermal Deposits

  • Sedimentary Deposits

  • Metamorphic Deposits

  • Residual Deposits

  • Non-Metallic Mineral Deposits

  • Fuel Mineral Deposits

  • Environmental Aspects of Economic Geology

The PDF 456 also contains a preface, an acknowledgements section, a list of abbreviations, a glossary of terms, a bibliography and an index. The book is richly illustrated with figures, maps, photographs and tables that enhance the understanding of the concepts and examples. The book also provides numerous case studies and exercises that help the readers to apply their knowledge and skills.

The features of the PDF 456 are as follows:

  • Format: The PDF 456 is a portable document format (PDF) file that can be opened, viewed or printed using any PDF reader software or application. The PDF 456 has a high resolution and a clear layout that make it easy to read and navigate.

  • Accessibility: The PDF 456 can be accessed online or offline from any device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone. The PDF 456 can be downloaded from Scribd's website or app after purchasing it individually or subscribing to its service. The PDF 456 can also be shared with others via email or social media.

  • Quality: The PDF 456 is a faithful reproduction of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology", which is a well-written, well-researched and well-reviewed book that has been used by thousands of students and professionals for decades. The PDF 456 preserves the original content, style and structure of the book without any errors or alterations.


In conclusion, economic geology is a branch of geology that deals with the origin, distribution and use of mineral resources. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines geological knowledge with economic principles to understand how natural resources are formed, found and exploited. Economic geology is essential for the development and sustainability of human civilization, as it provides valuable materials for various industries such as mining, metallurgy, energy, agriculture, construction and medicine.

Umeshwar Prasad is a renowned Indian geologist who has made significant contributions to the field of economic geology. He is the author of several books and papers on economic geology, including his magnum opus "Economic Geology", which is considered as a classic textbook for students and professionals alike. The book covers all aspects of economic geology, from its principles and methods to its applications and examples.

The PDF 456 is a digital version of Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology", which was published in 2019 by Scribd. The PDF 456 contains 170 pages of comprehensive and updated information on economic geology, with clear explanations, diagrams and tables. The PDF 456 is a convenient and accessible way to access Umeshwar Prasad's book online, as it can be downloaded, viewed or printed from any device.

We hope that this article has given you an overview of economic geology, Umeshwar Prasad and the PDF 456. We recommend that you read the PDF 456 for more details and insights on economic geology. You can also check out other books and papers by Umeshwar Prasad on Scribd or other platforms. Thank you for reading and happy learning!


  • What are some of the benefits of studying economic geology?

Some of the benefits of studying economic geology are:

  • It helps you to understand the origin, distribution and use of mineral resources.

  • It helps you to appreciate the value and diversity of natural resources.

  • It helps you to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • It helps you to explore various career opportunities in geology and related fields.

  • It helps you to contribute to the sustainable development and management of natural resources.

  • Who are some of the famous economic geologists in history?

Some of the famous economic geologists in history are:

  • Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817): A German geologist who proposed the Neptunian theory of rock formation and classified minerals based on their external characteristics.

  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): A German writer, poet and naturalist who studied mineralogy and geology and wrote about his observations and experiments.

  • James Hutton (1726-1797): A Scottish geologist who proposed the Plutonian theory of rock formation and the concept of uniformitarianism, which states that the present is the key to the past.

  • Charles Lyell (1797-1875): A British geologist who popularized the concept of uniformitarianism and wrote the influential book "Principles of Geology".

  • Waldemar Lindgren (1860-1939): A Swedish-American geologist who pioneered the study of ore deposits and established the genetic classification of ore deposits based on their temperature and pressure conditions.

  • What are some of the challenges and opportunities of economic geology in the 21st century?

Some of the challenges and opportunities of economic geology in the 21st century are:

  • Challenges: The increasing demand and scarcity of mineral resources; the rising costs and risks of exploration and extraction; the environmental and social impacts of mining and processing; the ethical and legal issues of resource ownership and governance; the geopolitical and economic conflicts over resource distribution and access.

  • Opportunities: The advancement and innovation of exploration and extraction technologies; the discovery and development of new and alternative mineral resources; the diversification and optimization of resource use and recycling; the integration and collaboration of multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives; the education and awareness of resource conservation and stewardship.

  • How can I access Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology" online?

You can access Umeshwar Prasad's book "Economic Geology" online by purchasing or subscribing to the PDF 456 on Scribd. Scribd is an online platform that allows you to access millions of books, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and documents from various publishers and authors. You can download, view or print the PDF 456 from any device after accessing it on Scribd. You can also share it with others via email or social media.

  • What are some of the other books and papers by Umeshwar Prasad that I can read?

Some of the other books and papers by Umeshwar Prasad that you can read are:

  • "Mineral Resources of India" (1998): A book that provides a comprehensive overview of the mineral resources of India, including their distribution, classification, genesis, exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation.

  • "Geology of Bihar" (2001): A book that describes the geology of Bihar, a state in eastern India, including its physiography, stratigraphy, structure, tectonics, metamorphism, magmatism, mineralization and hydrogeology.

  • "Geological setting and genesis of copper deposits at Malanjkhand" (1977): A paper that presents the geological setting and genesis of copper deposits at Malanjkhand, a large open-pit mine in Madhya Pradesh, India.

  • "Geological setting and genesis of gold deposits at Kolar" (1982): A paper that discusses the geological setting and genesis of gold deposits at Kolar, a historic mining district in Karnataka, India.

  • "Geological setting and genesis of lead-zinc deposits at Zawar" (1985): A paper that examines the geological setting and genesis of lead-zinc deposits at Zawar, a major mining area in Rajasthan, India.


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